The Toledo-Lucas County (TLC) Rain Garden Initiative is a partnership made up of government agencies, educational institutions, environmental organizations, businesses and private citizens, all working together to promote natural stormwater management and urban beautification in efforts to protect our local waterways and Lake Erie. Click here for a list of our partners.
The Initiative works to:
- Inform residents of all ages about rain gardens and stormwater pollution using presentations, brochures, displays, our website and social media and encourage their involvement in community projects.
- Assist citizens who are installing rain gardens with information and resources.
- Assist community-based organizations, including government agencies, businesses, schools and faith communities, with rain garden demonstration projects.
- Provide technical assistance and training for homeowners, landscapers, engineering professionals and other audiences as needed.
The Toledo-Lucas County (TLC) Rain Garden initiative is guided in our work by two committees:
- Steering Committee – The Steering Committee is made up of representatives of the partner organizations and meets bi-monthly to discuss and approve changes in policy, upcoming events and projects and the budget. Leadership is provided by a Chair and Vice Chair as well as a Technical Coordinator and a Public Outreach and Education Coordinator. Coordinators convene working meetings for those interested in Public Outreach and Education and Technical Assistance as needed. All positions are elected annually by the Steering Committee.
- Full Committee- The Full Committee is made up of the Steering Committee, other members of the partner organizations and anyone from the community who is interested in the work of the Initiative. The Full Committee is convened by the Chair and Vice-Chair and meets at least twice annually. These meetings provide an opportunity for the community to hear updates about events and projects, completed and ongoing, and to offer their ideas and constructive feedback. If you are interested in joining us for a Full Committee meeting, please check the Event Calendar or click here for our contact page to request email notification of meetings and events.